The cost of studying in France is among the lowest in the world. For both French and foreign students, the government subsidizes tuition fees in higher public institutions.

Accessible Education for All

Studying in France means having access to quality academic programs open to most people. The real cost of the degree is similar to anywhere else in the world (about 10,000€ per year for a Bachelor's and 14,000€ for a Master's). However, the French government subsidizes 2/3 of the cost for all international students in public institutions. 

Affordable Top Quality Education

Tuition Fees in Public Institutions

Tuition fees for international students enrolled in degree programs in France's public universities are consistent across institutions. The tuition fees as of the 2020/2021 academic year are:

  • 2,770 euros per year at the Licence level
  • 3,770 euros per year at the Master’s level
  • 380 euros per year at the Doctoral level

Special situations

1) If you are:

  • A student who is a national of a country included in the European Economic Area or Switzerland;
  • A student who is a Canadian national with a residence in Quebec, in accordance with France-Quebec agreements;
  • A foreigner with the status of resident in France or in the European Union, or a foreign student living in France for private life and family reasons;
  • A student already registered in a higher education program in France (Licence, Master or PhD) and who continue the same degree in the following academic year; 
  • A student currently registered in a preparatory program to join a Licence, Master or PhD program (such as a FLE training) and joining a degree in the following academic year. 

If these cases apply to you, you may qualify for reduced tuition fees, which are set at the following rates as of the 2020/2021 academic year:

  • 170 euros per year at the Licence level
  • 243 euros per year at the Master’s level
  • 601 euros per year for Engineering programs
  • 380 euros per year at the Doctoral level


2) Tuition fees fully waived for:

  • Students coming to France as part of a partnership between universities (study abroad program, for example), including students who are not nationals of a EU country;
  • Refugee students or benefiting from subsidiary protection, who will become naturally exempted.

Students that are French government scholarship recipients or benefiting from an exemption of registration fees granted by the Embassy of France in their country of origin or residence may also have tuition fees waived. Universities may also grant scholarships or tuition waivers for international students. 

For more information about higher education institutions and tuition fees, have a look to the Campus France Paris page, here.

Estimated Cost of Living in France

Estimated Monthly Budget Paris Rest of France
Student Housing (all charges included) $800 $500
Food $350 $300
Cultural and social activities $150 $100
Transportation $50 $40
TOTAL per month $1,350 $940
TOTAL per academic year (10 months) $13,500 $9,400 


Scholarships and Financial Aid


Most U.S. students who decide to study in France are eligible for various types of scholarships and grants. Here are some helpful resources for your research.   


Campus Bourses Scholarship Research Platform  

Campus France manages a searchable platform for scholarships available to international students in France. You can search by your field and your nationality on the platform Campus Bourses. Tip: We recommend searching in both French and in English, as some scholarship entries only appear in one language.  

See our Grants and Scholarships Page for a full list of many external scholarship and funding offers for study abroad students, and students pursuing undergraduate and graduate degrees in France. 
See our Financial Aid Page for information on accessing student loans for study in France.   


Other Financial & Social Benefits

Three types of assistance are available from the CAF (Caisse des Allocations Familiales - the Family Allowances Fund) that can reduce the rent you pay:

  1. Allocation de Logement Sociale (ALS - the social housing assistance)
  2. Aide Personnalisée au Logement (APL - the personal accommodation assistance)
  3. Allocation de Logement Familial (ALF - the family accommodation assistance)

To find out if you qualify for any of this assistance, do a simulation on the CAF website. To meet one of the advisors, go to the CAF Facebook page dedicated to student accommodation.

Each university has a health department, the Service Universitaire de Médecine Préventive et de Promotion de la Santé (SUMPPS). Every student may see a doctor there, have a medical check-up and obtain advice. Some visits are free, including for contraception, screening, vaccination, nutrition and psychological counselling.

You can also obtain help for subscribing to complementary health insurance and thus receive a higher rate of reimbursement of your medical expenses.

If you have any questions about sexuality, sexual relationships or contraception, visit Planning Familial - family planning association - which provides free and confidential appointments. Women may also obtain a suitable prescription for contraception there as well as the day-after pill if necessary. Family planning has offices throughout France.